Exotic Green Smoothie / عصير الفواكه الأخضر -CookingWithAlia - Episode 667
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Exotic Green Smoothie / عصير الفواكه الأخضر -CookingWithAlia - Episode 667

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En collaboration avec Carrefour Maroc, je vous propose de préparer ce jus rafraîchissant et riche en fibres et vitamines afin de contrôler votre soif pendant le jeûne! Essayez-le et dites-moi ce que vous en pensez! Djellaba by the talented Sara Zeroili
مع حلول شهر رمضان وبالتعاون مع كارفور يقترح عليكم هذا العصير المنعش والغني بالفيتامينات والألياف التي ستساعدكم على محاربة العطش أثناء الصيام. جربوه واتركوا تعليقاتكم!
In collaboration with Carrefour Maroc, I ask you to prepare this refreshing juice rich in fiber and vitamins in order to control your thirst during fasting! Try it and tell me what you think!
400 ml Grape Juice Carrefour Bio
1 pineapple, peeled and cut into cubes
150 grams (5.29 oz) of spinach
1/2 cucumber, cut into pieces
A small piece of fresh ginger, peeled and chopped
1- In the bowl of a blender, place the pineapple, spinach, cucumber and ginger.
2- Add the Grape Juice Carrefour Bio, according to the desired consistency. For a thicker smoothie, add 300ml of Grape Juice Carrefour Bio, and for a juice with a very liquid and light consistency, add 500 to 600 ml of Grape Juice Carrefour Bio.
3- Blend until you have a smooth consistency without lumps. Serve cool!
غذاء - Food
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