Mesut Kurtis - Du'aa | مسعود كُرتِس - دعاء (Lyrics)
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Mesut Kurtis - Du'aa | مسعود كُرتِس - دعاء (Lyrics)

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Mesut Kurtis - Du'a - Official Lyric Video | مسعود كُرتِس - دعاء from his album "Tabassam" (Smile). © Awakening Records 2014
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Du'a (Supplication): Lyrics & Translation

اللهم إني أعوذ
O Allah, I seek refuge in…

بجلال وجهك الكريم
The majesty of Your noble face

من كل شيطان رجيم
From every accursed satan

أنت العفو فاعف عني
You are the Pardoner so pardon me

أنت الغفور الرحيم
You are the Ever-Forgiving, the Most Beneficent

وصلى الله وسلم
And may Allah's peace and salutations

وبارك وأنعم
His blessings and gifts

على نبينا الكريم الأكرم
Be upon our generous and noble Prophet

صلى الله عليه وسلم
May Allah's peace and salutations be upon him

اللهم إني أسالك
O Allah I ask You

ربي بإسمك العظيم
By Your splendid name my Lord

تكفيني شر الحاسدين
To protect me from the evil of the envious

مولاي فرج عني همي
My Master, relieve my hardship

أنت مجيب السائلين
You are the One Who Responds to those who ask

اللهم إني أسألك بكل اسم هو لك
O Allah, I call on You by all the names

سميت به نفسك أو أنزلته في كتابك
You have named Yourself or revealed in Your book

أو علمته أحداً من خلقك
Or that You taught anyone amongst Your creation

أن تجعل القرآن ربيع قلبي و نور بصري
[I ask You] To make the Qur'an the springtime of my heart and the light of my sight

و جلاء حزني و ذهاب همي
And the removal of my sadness, and departure of my woes

يا الله
O Allah!
Lyrics & Melody: Aziz Elshafie
Arrangement: Emre Mogulkoc
Video by: Omar Ghomrawi

Awakening Records is a subsidiary of the UK-based Awakening Worldwide that has operational offices in both United States of America (USA) and Egypt.
Awakening Records currently represents five artists: Maher Zain (Sweden), Hamza Namira (Egypt), Mesut Kurtis(Macedonia), Raef (USA), and Harris J (UK). (Previously Sami Yusuf & Irfan Makki among others).

© 2011 Awakening Records
الموسيقى والفيديو - Music Video
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