Maher Zain - Laytaka Ma’ana - ماهر زين - ليتك معنا | Official Music Video | Nour Ala Nour EP
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Maher Zain - Laytaka Ma’ana - ماهر زين - ليتك معنا | Official Music Video | Nour Ala Nour EP

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Watch Maher Zain’s new music video "Laytaka Ma’ana" (If Only You Were With Us), from his new EP (mini album) Nour Ala Nour. Directed by Idris Kheder

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Nour Ala Nour (Light Upon Light) is the name of Maher Zain’s new EP (mini album). One song from the EP will be released every week throughout Ramadan until Eid inshaAllah.

1. Fri 9/4 Ramadan Gana رمضان جانا
2. Fri 16/4 Qalbi Sajad قلبي سجد
3. Fri 23/4 Nour Ala Nour نور على نور
4. Fri 30/4 Laytaka Ma’ana ليتك معنا
5. Sun 9/5 Huwa Ahmadun هو أحمد
Directed by: Idris Kheder
Executive Producer: Bara Kherigi
Lyrics & Melody: Dalia Emara
Arrangement: Maher Zain
Mixing: Ronny Lahti
Mastering: Bjorn Engelman
EP Photography: David Lagerlöf
EP Artwork Design: Mohamed Ali Dhifet

Special Thanks:
Carthage+, Israa Sherif، Samia Jabri, Wafa Ben Soltan
For Call Tones:
Saudi Arabia
Zain: ارسل كود الاغنية(218325) الى الرقم 1718

Orange: ارسل كود الاغنية (583) الى الرقم 9999
Lyrics & Translation:
ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

تَهدينا سبيلاً يَنفعُنا
to guide us to the best path

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ما كنا ضَلَلنا أو ضِعنَا
We wouldn't have gone astray or become lost

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

بزمانِنا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

نَشبَعُ نَظَرًا حين نَراكَ
We'd feel contented when we see you

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ونُصَلِّي وراءَكَ نلْقَاكَ
We'd pray behind you and meet you

ونُقَبِّلُ كفّيكَ ونَسعَد
We'd kiss your hands and rejoice

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

نروي لك عما يُوجعُنا
We'd tell you about everything that's troubling us

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

لتَبُوحَ إليك مدامِعُنا
our falling tears would divulge everything to you

ونَنالَ برِفْقَتِكَ الجنة
We'd attain Paradise in your company

و نعيمَ المَوْلَى في عُلاه
and the blessings of the Almighty Lord

ليتك معنا بزماننا
If only you were with us in our time

يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ما كان بأُمتِنا فقير
There wouldn't be anyone poor in our Ummah

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

نَرْعَى يتيمًا .. نُؤوِي كسير
We'd care for the orphan and the sick

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

بزماننا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ما امتَلأت دُنيانا مَعاصي
our world wouldn't have been filled with sins

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ما غَدا القلبُ كحَجَرٍ قاسِي
our hearts wouldn't have been as hard as a rock

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

بزماننا يا رسول الله
in our time, O Messenger of Allah!

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ما تُهْنَا في ظَلام الجهلِ
we wouldn't be lost in the darkness of ignorance

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ما أَغْفَلْنا دَوْرَ العقلِ
We wouldn't have neglected the role of reason and intellect

وَتَراجَعْنَا بينَ الأُمَمِ
and we wouldn't have fallen behind in standing among nations

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

نَرفَعُ ظُلمًا، نَنْصرُ حقَّا
We'd uproot injustice and uphold the truth

ليتك معنا
If only you were with us

ما انقَسمت أُمَّتُنا فِرَقا
Our Ummah wouldn't have become divided into factions

بسلامٍ نَحيا وبقُوَّة
We'd live peacefully while possessing strength

لنُعَمِّرَ في أرض الله
And we'd build and contribute to God's earth

ليتك معنا بزماننا
If only you were with us in our time

يا رسول الله
O Messenger of Allah!
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Awakening Music is a subsidiary of the UK-based Deventi Group that has operational offices in both the USA and Egypt. Awakening Music currently represents: Maher Zain (Sweden), Mesut Kurtis (Macedonia), Humood AlKhudher (Kuwait), Raef (USA), and Ali Magrebi (Libya). (Previously Sami Yusuf, Hamza Robertson, Harris J, & Hamza Namira among others).

©️ 2021 Awakening Music, A Deventi Group Company
#NourAlaNourEP #MaherZain #Ramadan #Ramadan2021
الموسيقى والفيديو - Music Video
الكلمات الدلالية
maher zain, ماهر زين, اغاني رمضان
دخول او تسجيل جديد لارسال تعليق
لا توجد تعليقات حتي الآن