( @UTURNent | #WayansJED | Prank interview with the Wayans! )
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( @UTURNent | #WayansJED | Prank interview with the Wayans! )

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An interview we did with the Wayans brothers, we talked about Omar Hussein's Oscar movie! and seems like they had their own opinions about that already!

عملنا مقابلة و مقلب مع الأخوين واين في زيارتهم للسعودية! و خليناهم يتكلموا عن فلم عمر حسين اللي ربح الأوسكار
كانت مزحة طبعا.. بس هم يعرفوا معلومات أكثر مننا!

Host: Fahad Sal
Directors: Kaswara Alkhatib - Keemo Wahashi
Lightings: Omar Olwan
Editors: Fahad Sal - Rahman Mando

Thanks to: Mahdi Alreemi - Emad eskander - Abdulrahman Esilan

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