Arabic Tongue Twisters- Beat me!
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Arabic Tongue Twisters- Beat me!

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A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficult to articulate properly, Imagine them in Arabic with all the haa and khaa-s :))

I'm with my aunts and cousins trying to have a competition speaking our very difficult language


Tongue Twister 1: خيط حرير على حيط ام خليل khet harir 'ala het em khalil (A silk thread runs through my Aunt Imm Khalil's Wall)

Tongue Twister 2: هادا المشمش مش من مشمشتنا hada elmishmish mish min mishmishitna (this apricot is not from our apricot tree)

Tongue Twister 3: خشبات الحبس خمس خشبات وخشبة Khashabat el habis khamis khashabat o khashabe (the prison's woods are five woods and a wood)
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