مودي العربي - فرصة - ADS | MOUDY ALARBE | Music Video | 2023 | Ichancy
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مودي العربي - فرصة - ADS | MOUDY ALARBE | Music Video | 2023 | Ichancy

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القناة الرسمية مودي العربي | Channel Official Moudy Alarbe
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Paid partnership with iChancy


- Chancy
Song by: Moudy Alarbe
Mix, Master, and Production: NAUK
Color & VFX: Ameer Mahdi
Camera: Obada Hutini, Fahd Al Husari
Drone Operator: Obada Hutini
Behind-the-Scenes Photographer: Saeed Zwawi
Lights: Firas Alammar, Maher Barakat
Logistics: Mohammad Aloklaa
Makeup Artist: Hala Al Soufi
Stylist: Mera Saleem
Set Design: Mo Al Husari
Hair Stylist: LES AMIS SALON
Production Assistants: Abed Al Kilani & Fahd Al Husari
Art Director: Elharam
Location Manager: Ayman El Lahib
Catering: MAT
Costume Assistants: Bambi AK & Mohammad Alyosef
Public Relations: Issam Badiki
Production Interns: Chris Schweintack
Data Wrangler: Roba Darraj
Casting Director: Kevan Müller
Script Supervisor: Devid Vrijburg
Social Media: Slaiman Skaf
Moudy’s manager: Abed Al Kilani
Special Thanks to: iChancy team.
الموسيقى والفيديو - Music Video
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مودي العربي, مودي, راب
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